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About The Artist

Lisa Denham is a sculptor and ceramicist. She gained her BA fine art sculpture degree from Loughborough University. Lisa works with a variety of media as well as clay. She is especially interested in work that connects with, and speaks of, the natural world;thus, her work often incorporates the use of natural materials. She enjoys working ona large scale in the natural environment and creates ephemeral art in these settings.


Lisa’s ceramics work reflects her love of natural world, especially birds, and incontrast to her large-scale outdoor sculptures, this work is often made on a smallscale, illustrating the beauty and importance of some of the smallest species in the natural world. She describes herself as a ‘collector of details from nature’ and has a passion for connecting people with nature. She states that she "has a reason behind everything she makes", for example, her ceramic corvids which are mounted on stunning natural wood plinths are to celebrate and elevate these incredibly intelligent birds that are often maligned and persecuted in story, folklore, and in reality.


Lisa has exhibited and sold ceramics in many locations including the Wirksworth Arts festival, Society of Wildlife artists Mall Galleries London, Charnwood ceramics fair and the Outwoods/Beacon sculpture Trails.​


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Community and School Projects

As well as pursuing her own work, Lisa also has many years of experience workingwithin community arts. She has worked with school children, adults with learning disabilities and in large scale community group settings to enable people to exploretheir own creativity and self-expression. Whether it is making Giant Wings sculptureswith Glebe House clients, or helping a community to develop a response to planning proposals that would negatively affect their local geographic location, Lisa’s purposehas always been to give people a voice and develop their own creative process whichshe does with a gentle nurturing approach.


It is this approach which is also reflected in her relationship with the natural worldwhich is seen through both her large and small-scale work.

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